Functions of the Commission
The Commission is mandated to, among other things;
- Promote awareness of and respect for all human rights and freedoms;
- Promote the protection, development and realization of all human rights and freedoms;
- Monitor and assess observance of human rights and freedoms in Zimbabwe.
- Conduct research on issues relating to human rights, freedoms and social justice.
- Receive complaints from people on human rights abuses and to take appropriate action;
- Protect people against abuse of power and maladministration by the State and public institutions and by officials of those institutions.
- Make recommendations to Parliament on best ways of promoting, protecting and observance of human rights and freedoms;
- Investigate the conduct of any authority or person, suspected of violating any of the human rights provided in the Constitution’s Declaration of Rights.
- Take necessary action to assist victims of human rights violations to receive justice;
- Visit and inspect prisons, detention places, refugee camps and similar facilities where mentally disordered or intellectually handicapped persons are detained and make necessary recommendations about their conditions to the responsible Minister.
- Prepare and submit a human rights annual report to Parliament.